Artificial Intelligence

Robotics: Join the Robolution.


Welcome again, In this digital era. Today we will discuss about robotics most exiting topics among youngster. For our previous blog on robotics and AI click here.

Electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and other fields of engineering and science are all included in the field of robotics. This field focuses on information processing, sensory feedback, robot control, and design and construction. In the upcoming years, these technologies will take the place of people and human activities. Although these robots were created to be utilised for a variety of tasks, they are now being employed in delicate situations such as bomb detection, disarming different devices, etc. Robots may take on any shape, but many of them now resemble humans. The robots that have adopted a human look are probably going to be able to walk, speak, think, and do everything else that a person can.

Robotics is that branch of engineering that deals with conception, design, operation, and manufacturing of robots. There was an author named Issac Asimov, he said that he was the first person to give robotics name in a short story composed in 1940’s. In that story, Issac suggested three principles about how to guide these types of robotic machines. Later on, these three principles were given the name of Issac’s three laws of Robotics. These three laws state that:

  • Humans will never be harmed by robots.
  • Robots will abide by law one by doing as they are told by humans.
  • Without violating other laws, robots will defend themselves.

Unique features

  • Robots appear to have a physical body. They are propelled by their mechanical pieces and maintained in place by the structure of their body. Robots will just be software without a physical form.
  • Robotic brains can also be referred to as on-board control units. Using this robot, data is received and commands are output. Without this control unit, the robot would only be a machine that could be operated remotely.
  • Sensors: Robots utilise these sensors to collect data from the outside environment and transmit it to the brain. In essence, these sensors contain circuits inside of them that generate the voltage.
  • Actuators: The pieces that move with the assistance of robots are known as actuators. Actuators include things like motors, pumps, compressors, etc. These actuators are guided by the brain as to when and how to react or move.
  • Robots can only carry out or react to commands that are given to them in the form of a programme. These programmes only instruct the brain when to carry out certain tasks, such as when to move, make noise, etc. These programmes only instruct the robot in the usage of sensor data for decision-making.
  • The programme that was created for the robot determines its behaviour. Once the robot begins moving, it is simple to determine the type of programme that has been loaded within.

    Robotic Types

    • Articulated: The rotational joints that make up this robot’s distinguishing characteristic varies in number from two to ten or more joints. The arm is attached to the rotary joint, and each joint is referred to as an axis that allows for a variety of motions.
    • Cartesian: Gantry robots are another name for them. These feature three joints that follow the x, y, and z axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. These robots have wrists that are hooked to them so they can rotate.
    • Cylindrical: To connect the connections, these robots feature at least one rotatory joint and one prismatic joint. Rotatory joints are used to give rotational motion along an axis, whereas prismatic joints are used to provide linear motion.
    • Polar: These are referred to as spherical robots as well. The arm has a twisting joint that connects it to the base, as well as two rotatory joints and one linear joint.
    • Scara: The majority of these robots’ uses are on the assembly line. Its arm has a cylinder-shaped form. It contains two parallel joints that are utilised to offer compliance in a certain plane.
    • Delta: These robots have an arachnid-like structure. They are constructed by joined parallelograms joined at the base. A dome-shaped work area is where the parallelogram moves. In the food and electrical sectors, they are mostly utilised.

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